Put Spring in Your Step; 5 Tips to Feel Great!

Put Spring in Your Step; 5 Tips to Feel Great!

The days are getting longer, outdoor sports have begun, flowers are budding and you may be wondering how to feel your best to enjoy all these moments. While you’re spring cleaning your home, you can also take the time to make sure your body is ready for a change of season as well. Here are some tips to help you feel great in the transition!

  1. Try a detox or cleanse – Give your body a rest from sugar, grains, alcohol, and caffeine for added energy and better sleep at night. This can be as simple as a 24-hour juice cleanse , a little more intentional with our 7-Day Health Reset or as intense as 14 to 21 days full detox/cleanse. Your body will appreciate the opportunity to rid itself of some toxins and stored fat.
  2. Move – Walking in the fresh air is beneficial for your emotional and physical health. Lace up your shoes after dinner and walk around your neighborhood or check out a local nature trail. Grab a family member or friend and build relational connection or use the time alone to pray and meditate.
  3. Eat your veggies – For the freshest and most economical choices, select what is in season. Spring in Michigan is a great time for asparagus, various green lettuces such as arugula and spinach, beets, and carrots. Incorporate them into lunches and dinners, as snacks, or throw spinach in to breakfast smoothies!
  4. Try something new – Spring brings the feeling of excitement and new beginnings. Find something you haven’t done before and see how it works for you! Challenge yourself with a Couch to 5K program, discover new sights through hiking, discuss the latest reads at a book club, go fishing with your kids, or relax at the end of the day with a gentle yoga routine.
  5. Allergies – Often with the beauty of spring comes the runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. To ease the discomfort of spring allergies, make sure you drink plenty of water, consume a low-inflammatory diet, try a Neti-pot, and schedule regular chiropractic adjustments to help with circulation and drainage.

Bonus tip: Get adjusted to improve alignment, mobility and circulation!

5 Tips to Help You Feel Your Best this Winter

5 Tips to Help You Feel Your Best this Winter.
Winter is the perfect time to re-set your health and restore your mind. Here are a few tips to help you stay happy and healthy through the winter so you can feel your best!
1. Optimize Your Water Intake: We need half our body weight in ounces of water per day (75% for 150-pound person). Start each day with two glasses of water before any other food or drink. Drink more water in between meals as too much during meals can dilute your digestive enzymes.
2. Get More Rest: All mammals are sleeping more this time of year and so should we. Go to bed earlier, sleep in when possible and take naps once or twice a week. Your body heals more when you sleep so give it the best opportunity you can.
3. Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D: Get outside as much as possible and supplement with 2,000-4,000 IU’s of Vitamin D per day to help with many biological processes in the body like immune support, bone health and autoimmune disorders. For more food sources of Vitamin D, read here.
4. Feed Your Soul: Take this time to look inward and reflect on yourself through prayer, meditation, writing, yoga, etc. to connect with your inner self and help relax the mind, calm emotions and raise your spirit. Learn more about stress management here.
5. Low and Slow Cooking with Broth: Broth is nutrient dense containing many essential minerals and can easily be used instead of water for cooking rice, beans, lentils, soups and stews. Cook on low temperatures for longer times and use in-season foods like root vegetables, winter greens and bone-in meats. This infuses food with heat to keep the body warm during winter months. Learn more about cooking with the season here!

Bonus Tip: Get adjusted to minimize spinal stress that can be keeping you from feeling like yourself!

5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season.
Holiday festivities can derail even the healthiest of eaters. For many people this leads to weight gain, sick days and leaves them more susceptible to injury. Try these simple tips to stay healthy over the holidays and start the New Year on the right track!
1. Watch your liquid calories. A 12-ounce flavored latte can have anywhere from 250 to 350 calories, hot chocolate has 250 calories, a glass of wine has 150 calories, a micro beer has 150 calories and a vodka/soda cocktail with lime has 100 calories. But, did you know that 8oz of kombucha has only 25 calories !?!?! At your next gathering, try serving GT’s Trilogy Kombucha mixed half and half with lime LaCroix. Trust me, your guests will love it! And, don’t forget to drink half your body weight in ounces of pure water per day.
2. Look for veggies and nuts. When snacking or eating appetizers, stick to veggies and nuts. Put them on a plate/bowl and pre-determine how much you’re going to eat. Don’t graze!
3. Stick to your routine. Go for walks, stretch, read, go to bed at the same time, don’t skip or add meals, exercise and take time for yourself each day. This will cut down on emotional eating, stress and help you not completely let yourself go.
4. Count your “courses.” If you’re like me, you like to eat food before you eat your food. In America, we call these the appetizers. Everywhere else, it’s simply called over-eating. Appetizers, main course, second helpings and dessert add up to four courses and a heck of a lot of food. Try sticking to just one to two courses. Chew gum, drink water before a meal, have a cup of tea after you eat, put all the food you plan on eating onto one plate to give yourself a visual, have a family member hold you accountable or just do whatever is needed to resist the urge to overeat.
5. Bring healthy options to gatherings. Make up your favorite salad, soup or veggie platter to share with friends and family. Or, order this holiday themed cookbook for new, dairy free/gluten free options that are sure to be a hit!
Bonus Tip: Get adjusted to minimize one more stress on your body and to prevent illness and injury!

4 Easy ways to get more vegetables into your day.

Fresh vegetables are vital to healthy living and well-being. Try these 4 simple fixes (courtesy of BeWell.com) to get more natural vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Prep your vegetables for the week 

Take time to prep your veggies as soon as you get home from shopping. Clean your greens and store them so that you can grab them quickly for a salad or sauté. Roast some broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower to have on hand to add to salads, put them on top of lentils, or create an easy side dish.

Start your day with vegetables 

Get a jump start on your 5+ servings by adding them into your breakfast meal. Add spinach or kale to your morning smoothies, sautéed vegetables with eggs and avocado, or eat your dinner leftovers for breakfast.

Add greens to everything

Since they are prepped and waiting for you, why not add them to everything. Making a smoothie? Add some greens. Making soup? Add some greens. Making an omelet? Add some greens. Making dinner? Add some greens. You get the idea.

Replace refined carbs with whole vegetables 

This tip is a win-win – reduce refined carbs while adding in veggies. Get creative and use vegetables instead of crackers, breads and pasta.

Chips – Cut cucumbers and carrots into rounds for dipping.
PastaSpiralize zucchini or sweet potatoes and top them with your favorite sauces.
Sandwiches – Use collard greens to make a surprisingly delicious wrap for any sandwich filling.
Pizza crust – Cauliflower can magically be turned into a delicious pizza crust.
Lasagna noodles – Make long, thin slices of zucchini or sweet potato with a mandolin to create lasagna “noodles”.
RiceGrate or process cauliflower in a food processor to create a rice or couscous like replacement


3 Tips to Stay Healthy this Fall

Don’t let the cooler temperatures and diminishing sunlight hinder your health. Try our top 3 tips to stay healthy this fall so you can enjoy all that the season has to offer!

Breathe: In through the nose until the lungs are full and hold for 5 seconds.  Exhale completely and repeat for 3 full breaths. Do this 3 times a day to minimize stress, clear the airways and free you mind.

Walk Outside: There is nothing more healing than connecting with nature and breathing in clean, cool air. Commit to walking 10-15 minutes (or more) at the same time every day.

Eat In-Season Foods: Fall foods are heartier and nourishing while also supporting the immune system. Make your favorite soups & stews and save leftovers for quick meals & easy lunches!

***Bonus Tip: Get adjusted to improve mobility, circulation, drainage & physical well-being!

Learn more about “Living with the seasons.”

Summer Health Tips

Summer Health Tips

When you live in the Midwest, you live for summer. And dealing with a nagging health issue is the last thing you want to worry about. Follow our top five tips to stay happy and healthy this summer!

  1. Don’t let your sunscreen drag you down. Many commercial sunscreens contain harmful neurotoxins and block healthy vitamin D absorption. Go sunscreen free for limited amounts of time and use non-toxic sunscreens when necessary.
  2. Watch your sugar intake. Cookouts, graduations, weddings, boats, beaches, pools, sports drinks and happy hours are a recipe for excess sugar (and alcohol) intake. Make a plan for what you’re going to eat at social gatherings and outings just as you would at home. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable if needed.
  3. Stay Hydrated. Your body needs more water during warmer temperatures so give your body what it needs! Take a full water bottle with you every time you leave the house. If you suspect dehydration in yourself or a child, mix up some honey, sea salt and lemon juice in a class of water to replace minerals and electrolytes more effectively than sports drinks. Also, coconut water and (unflavored) Pedialyte can be effective when needed.
  4. Fats are essential. Healthy fats from coconut oil, avocado, nuts and fish help heal your skin from any sun damage as well as lower inflammation in your joints. Consume as much as you can from food and supplement when necessary with capsules, lemon flavored liquid formula or Rosita’s for those who want the best despite it’s taste ?
  5. Let music boost your mood. Create a mix for the boat, beach or pool and save it for a rainy day or next winter. Music, and associated memories, are a great way to boost your mood when you’re down.

Bonus tip: Get adjusted to improve alignment and mobility!

Girl wearing orange backpack and hiking clothes looking out at the mountains with her hands up.

Spring Health: 5 Tips to Feel Great!

Spring Health: 5 Tips to Feel Great!

Springtime is full of optimism, excitement and new beginnings. Just like we take the time to clean out our living and working space, we need to take this time to clean out our body and mind. Follow our top five tips to get the most enjoyment out of this time of year!

  1. Walk Every Day: Make it a goal to walk every day. The fresh air and exercise are great both physically and emotionally. Try walking on variable surfaces like trails or even the grass between the sidewalk and road. Embrace your surroundings and connect with nature!
  2. Consider a Detox or Cleanse: Refrain from sugar, grains, alcohol and caffeine to give your body a chance to rid itself of toxins and stored fat. Try anything from a simple 10-day sugar cleanse (or detox) to a more aggressive 14-28 day program.
  3. Incorporate Vegetables With Each Meal: Add a vegetable to each meal to help with nutrient and mineral levels to boost energy. Sauteed cabbage and onions go great with most breakfasts. Carrots, celery and/or peppers are an easy addition to most lunches. And roasted broccoli and cauliflower make a great side at dinner.
  4. Plant a Garden: Carefully plan what vegetables you’d like and where to plant them for optimal growth. Use this resource for your first garden and this one for more advanced tips and ideas to consider.
  5. Try something new: Have an open mind to try something out of your comfort zone like a yoga class, daily meditation practice, train for and run a 5K, volunteer at a park clean-up event, go for weekly hikes, try a boot camp/high intensity interval training workout or join a book club!

To learn more about living with the seasons, read here.

*Bonus tip: Get adjusted to improve mobility, circulation and overall well-being!


3 Mobility Indicators of Early Death

3 Mobility Indicators of Early Death. 

It’s common practice to look at blood pressure, cholesterol levels* and body mass index as part of a health evaluation but what about mobility indicators that affect your longevity? Here is a summary of three major indicators that can predict premature death and what you can do about it.

  1. Frequent Falls. Falling a lot suggests that your body awareness is hindered (Being Mortal, Atul Gawande) and leads to significant injuries. Often times this starts with dysfunction in your feet. Try stretching your feet (additional video), reading this book to minimizing foot stress and improving your balance. Additionally, spinal imbalances contribute to falls at any age and are easily improved with regular chiropractic care. If you haven’t been to your chiropractor in a while, now’s a good time to get in for a tune-up!
  2. Poor Mobility. Try the Sitting Rising Test (SRT). Your performance, or lack thereof, can predict your longevity. Did you score less than eight points? Start moving in ways your body isn’t accustomed to. Use these videos as a starting point for adding new movements to improve mobility and perform the SRT once a week.
  3. Grip Strength. A 2015 study found that poor grip strength can be a stronger indicator of morbidity than blood pressure. The reason is simply that people with stronger hands tend to move their bodies more. But don’t go out and buy grip strengtheners. Rather, start raking your own lawn, shovel snow with a shovel (when possible), practice hanging (or even repetitions of pull-ups) for long periods of time, plant a garden and care for it daily or carry your small children on a walk rather than use a baby-carrier. Basically, try to add as much variable activity to everything you do! (Movement Matters)

Try Chiropractic! If your spine is not functioning optimally, all three of the previously mentioned categories will be hindered. Call us today to improve alignment and well-being to live longer, happier and healthier!

*Blood sugar levels are more important than any other physical measure such as blood pressure or cholesterol levels, but we’ll save that discussion for a future blog post ?

Stretching Series Video Guide

Stretching Series Video Guide.

Use this index for your resource on our short video series. Each video contains one to four stretches to help a specific region of the body. For a more comprehensive stretching routine, try our 7-Minute Daily Stretch.


Neck/Shoulder Series 1: Shoulder Circles, Straight Shoulder & Floor Angels

Neck/Shoulder Series 2: Neck Range of Motion, Rhomboid Push-up, PostureMedic brace

Neck/Shoulder Series 3: Katy Bowman’s “Paint the Globe”

Lower Back/Hip Series 1: Calf Stretch, Hip Openers, Sitting Cross Legged, Quadriceps

Lower Back/Hip Series 2: Spinal Twist, Modified Child’s Pose, Modified Pigeon, Tailor’s

Lower Back/Hip Series 3: Pelvic Tilts, Founder by Foundation Training, Modified Squats

Foot Series 1: Calf Stretch, Roll the Foot with Ball

Foot Series 2: Reflexology Board, Sit on Heels, Toe Spacing

Kids Series: Healthy Spine, Healthy Mind, a 12 exercise series to help with mobility, balance and brain-body communication.

When Kids Get Sick; 5 Tips for a Speedy Recovery

When Kids Get Sick; 5 Tips for a Speedy Recovery.

Nothing can be more painful than watching your little one(s) suffer when they’re sick. Fortunately, when following several natural health remedies, you can shorten the duration of the illness so they can get back to being themselves as soon as possible. Here are our top five tips for a quick recovery:

  1. Heavy Doses of Vitamins: Vitamins C & D are staples to keep around the house and should be administered at first sight of illness. Elderberry syrup is easy for kids to take and is a strong anti-viral agent. Congaplex is an incredible immune supporting multi-vitamin that comes in a great tasting chewable tablet. Probiotics also come in a chewable form and help the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Finally, slippery elm works great to heal and soothe the intestinal tract.
  2. Use Kid Safe Essential Oils: Specifically, geranium helps as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, immune stimulant and with allergies. Grapefruit can combat stomach issues. And use cypress for colds, coughs and a decongestant. Either diffuse in their room, mix with coconut oil and rub on their chest and feet or apply a couple drops in their bath to help them reap the benefits. For older children, Frankincense, oregano, lemon and tea tree will also provide immune support.
  3. Epsom Salt Bath: The magnesium found in Epsom Salt will help sooth achy bodies and reduce inflammation. Try one cup in a warm bath making sure the salts are fully dissolved before your child gets in. Also, feel free to add a couple drops of any of the previously mentioned oils.
  4. Skin to Skin: Babies especially benefit from skin to skin contact from mom or dad. This helps regulate temperature, reduces pain and has a calming effect on the child.
  5. Hydration: Make sure your child has plenty of water and they are going to the bathroom regularly (clear to straw colored urine). When needed, give them a homemade electrolyte drink or even a popsicle to replace vital minerals.

*Bonus Tip, get adjusted to improve circulation, drainage and lymphatic flow. Most parents who bring their children in when sick report a quicker recovery.

**Although it’s common practice to give a sick child, especially with a fever, Tylenol (acetaminophen) to help them recover quicker, this office does not recommend the practice. A fever is the body’s natural way of killing viruses and producing antibodies. Reducing a fever with medication allows the virus to live longer and prolongs the illness. It also diminishes antioxidant levels in the body making it harder for the body to detoxify. The child may seem better because their fever has reduced but they can still be harboring viruses, infect others and negatively affect their body’s response to their next illness. When given after a vaccine, Tylenol can prevent their body from detoxifying additives found in the shots which can cause other health issues later in life. Only use medication as a last resort and always seek out medical attention when a fever reaches 104 degrees, your child is incoherent or you suspect severe dehydration.