Introducing Three New Pain Relieving Treatment Options in Our Wellness Room

Introducing Three New Pain Relieving Treatment Options in Our Wellness Room

We have recently added a wellness room in our office. It has three new pieces of equipment that each have promising techniques that have gained popularity in the wellness world: vibration therapy, hydromassage bed, and a decompression table.

Vibration Plate

Our new vibration plate uses mechanical vibrations to stimulate the body’s muscles and tissues. Vibration therapy has many benefits including improved circulation and blood flow, enhanced muscle flexibility, alleviation of muscle soreness and pain, and increased bone density.

Hydromassage Bed

The hydromassage bed provides a soothing and therapeutic experience by combining the benefits of massage and hydrotherapy. The bed is equipped with strategically positioned water jets that deliver a gentle, pulsating massage. Some benefits of the hydromassage bed include relaxation and stress relief, muscle tension reduction, improved circulation and lymphatic drainage, and relief from aches and pains.

Decompression Table

Lastly, our decompression table is a specialized device used in spinal decompression therapy. This is a non-surgical technique designed to alleviate pain and promote healing in the spine by gently stretching it and relieving pressure on spinal discs. Benefits from decompression therapy can include pain reduction in the neck and back, relief from herniated or bulging discs, improved posture, increased mobility and flexibility, and relief for individuals who struggle with chronic spinal conditions.  Our Back on Trac unit can isolate either the lumbar spine (lower back) or the cervical spine (neck).

Schedule an appointment today to try one or more of these great new additions to our practice!